decasm masthead
Thu, Apr 10, 2008
I really like Violent Acres' blog. It's well written, and funny, and until now, hasn't disappointed. I can't tell if she considers herself an exception from the "most athiests" group she derides in the post "Atheists are Snobs". I mean, from the context of that post it's clear she does, but the rest of her blog demonstrates that she's a snob.
"I, myself, have not been able to claim belief in a higher power for many, many years."
"[Athiests] come off sound[sic] like condescending pricks."
Yes. Yes she does. She comes off that way in almost every post. And that's great - it makes for a good blog. But criticizing people for a characteristic you share with them is, well it's the pot calling the kettle black. "How pathetic of you snobs being all snoby. Being snoby is way beneath me."
Wed, Oct 17, 2007
Regarding this not-at-all recent article by Jeni Tennison.

I've never understood the presumption that any particular field of endeavor should have some sort of gender balance.

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